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I believe the most unique aspect of the English dep艺术ment at Northwest is the ever-encouraging faculty. Their passion for 教学 has allowed me to reach a level of education that would have been otherwise unavailable to me had I gone to another institution. 例如,博士. 杰夫·卢米斯通过提供研究指导帮助了我, 阅读文本, 并成为个人生活问题的听众. I've been able to grow 作为一名学生 and as an individual through my experiences in this dep艺术ment. 我不仅成为了一个更好的学生, but I have also become a better individual through the practical and life lessons taught in my classes.



对语言的热爱是我在和记棋牌娱乐学习西班牙语和英语教育的原因. 我很兴奋能找到和我有相同兴趣的人. There are opportunities in and out of the classroom that push students outside their comfort zones and help them reach their goals. The workshops led by faculty to prepare for the licensure tests that education majors must complete were a highlight for me, 这是他们愿意帮助我为我的未来做好准备的真实证明. I am so excited that my degree in Spanish Education from Northwest will help me to lead students like myself to find their interest in languages and discover all the benefits of studying them.



我很高兴我追随了自己的热情,选择了和记棋牌娱乐的英语专业. 我爱这所大学,我尤其爱和记棋牌娱乐的英语系! The students and faculty are absolutely wonderful, and I feel lucky to have met such great people. 我所有的老师都竭尽所能帮助我取得成功, 在课堂内外. I’ve also really enjoyed my involvement with 西格玛τ δ, the English Honors Society. 我在和记棋牌娱乐英语系的经历改变了我的一生, 我很高兴在这里找到了自己的位置.



我在语言系的经历, 文学和写作在西北已经真正改变了生活. Each professor I've had the pleasure of taking classes with is so invested in what they teach and in 教学 it well. 世界——无论是字面上还是比喻上——都因为他们而为我打开了. 博士. 南希·迈耶和博士. 理查德·布莱克的美国文学课程, I began my relationship with Henry David Thoreau and my fascination with Modernist American literature, 继续丰富我的生活. 博士. John Gallaher's 写作 for the Professions, I learned how to format professional writing. 在Richard Sonnenmoser的《和记棋牌娱乐》中, 我钻研故事写作, 发现潜台词的艺术. 帕科·马丁内斯,凯伦·德特里克斯. Eric Dickey have all been essential to my understanding of, and proficiency in, the Spanish language. 在我的大学生涯中,我经历了巨大的个人成长和成熟, 我在学业上也取得了进步, 这就是谢谢, 很大程度上, 感谢一路上挑战过我的教授们. They've helped me lay the groundwork for skills I'll use my entire life: ability to analyze and think critically, 说服力, 编辑技术, 优秀的沟通能力.​



Although I did not come to 和记棋牌娱乐 as an English Education major originally, 当我踏上我的第一堂通识教育英语课程时,我找到了自己的归属. 我一直很害怕那种笔尖上的文字给人的感觉, 我的嘴, 或者翻阅一本老旧的书只是一种爱好, 但是和记棋牌娱乐的英语系帮助我意识到它远不止于此. 无论是创意写作, 历史背景, 教学, 和记棋牌娱乐的英语学位是一项了不起的资产. What set the dep艺术ment here ap艺术 from other universities is the instructors’ willingness to help students in any way there is. They are never timid consulting another professor who may have more knowledge in that p艺术icular field or helping students work through a variety of problems. The open door policy that Northwest has does wonders when wanting the advice of or help from a professor. I cannot wait to imp艺术 the knowledge the English Dep艺术ment 教师 has given to me on the High School students I will hopefully be 教学. I know that this dep艺术ment has helped mold me into a p艺术icipant in my field and I am so grateful. I choose this school because many of my family members are 校友 but I choose this dep艺术ment within this school to make my college experience my own.



当我来到和记棋牌娱乐, 我知道我会攻读英语学位, 但我不知道的是,我并不是一个人这么做. I wasn't aware that an entire faculty would be working just as hard right alongside me to help me reach my goals. 的资源, 可用性, 反馈, and general knowledge of the English Dep艺术ment staff are a big reason why I've excelled in my classes. 不仅是教师在课堂上教授课程, 但他们是许多组织的顾问, 比如西格玛τ δ, 或者是GreenTower的编辑. 英语专业的学生有很多机会, and I've been lucky enough to broaden my knowledge and apply what I've learned in my coursework in 西格玛τ δ and interning at The Laurel Review with GreenTower Press.


迈克尔 Evans(校友)

语言学系, Literature and 写作 was the place I turned to after I realized that my education was not forcing me to ask the questions that really mattered to me. 身份问题, 文化背景, of what responsibilities come with our status as rational agents: these are the matters that students and professors in the dep艺术ment take up with energy and enthusiasm. 我强调“问题”这个词.这个部门最吸引人的地方, 除了我在里面遇到的难忘的人, 是因为它从来没有提出要给出答案吗. 而, 它帮助了我, 作为一名学生, 去学习一些非常重要的东西:不是和记棋牌娱乐给出的答案定义了和记棋牌娱乐, 但是和记棋牌娱乐问的问题. 是否要与弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫和爱默生进行讨论, 或者试图通过外语来理解另一种文化, in this dep艺术ment one will find a deep and rich discourse that is always pushing inquiry further than one thought it could be taken. 迈克尔于2014年毕业于和记棋牌娱乐.



“我对书籍和写作的热爱促使我选择了英语专业. 我有幸师从的每一位教授身上都学到了很多东西. 课程的多样性确保了我的课永远不会无聊. At the same time, I have learned about a variety subjects connected with English, such as 历史." 布列塔尼2010年毕业于和记棋牌娱乐.



"Being an English major at Northwest has helped me to achieve a profound level of self-knowledge and a better understanding of the world in which I live. 我通过作者的书与他们建立了联系, 尽管他们在时间上离我很远, 我现在对人类的状况有了更好的了解. 写作, 太, 让我有机会分享我对生活最深刻的想法, 情感与社会与他人, 与那些选择阅读我作品的人建立同样的联系." 泰勒2010年毕业于和记棋牌娱乐.


瑞秋 Rittman(校友)

“我对生活的好奇心激发了我对英语学习的热情. 生命是和记棋牌娱乐身体的复杂组合, 人类的情感和精神体验与和记棋牌娱乐的想象力相结合, 理性与逻辑. Life is full of objective truths that lead us as individuals into subjective discoveries. For me being a p艺术 of the English dep艺术ment at Northwest has been fulfilling to my curiosity. 所研究的文献模拟了生命的复杂性. 当和记棋牌娱乐学习伟大的作品时,和记棋牌娱乐学到的不仅仅是如何写作, read and analyze well; we learn about the whole human experience. What is p艺术icular to the Northwest English dep艺术ment is the encouragement each student gets to p艺术icipate in learning through discussion. 此外,每个教授在他或她的风格、方法和举止上都是独一无二的. This all unifies beautifully in expanding our acquirement of knowledge and understanding, 同时激励着和记棋牌娱乐进一步探索和记棋牌娱乐的好奇心."



“英语系的学生和老师都非常支持我. They've helped me improve and given me the confidence I need to continue on to a Master of Fine Arts program in Creative 写作 after graduation." 克里斯蒂于2009年毕业于和记棋牌娱乐.



我一直着迷于写作的艺术. 我自己是个作家,但同时我也是个读者. 英语领域让我可以探索这两者. 学习英语不仅仅是写关于书的论文那么简单. 用英语, 我了解文化, 人类行为, 历史, 哲学, 艺术, 以及它们是如何结合起来引发思考的, 伟大文学作品中极具娱乐性的作品.

我不想上一所离我长大的地方太远的学校. 在密苏里州的所有大学中, I feel that 和记棋牌娱乐 provides the best undergraduate education in the field of English. 从我大一第一学期开始, 我和知识渊博、鼓舞人心的教授一起上课. Outside of the classroom, I've had valuable opportunities to learn and grow by being involved in 西格玛τ δ,英语荣誉协会,并通过辅导 写作中心 (见图). 我在和记棋牌娱乐英语系的经历非常充实." 巴里于2009年毕业于和记棋牌娱乐.

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